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                   Shenzhen Shunhe Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2004 and is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, production, and sales. Our business covers an area of over 10000 square meters and employs over 300 people. The company has passed the IATF16949 quality management system certification, owns more than 80 intellectual property rights (including more than 20 invention patents), and its products have passed CE, FCC, ROHS, REACH and other certifications.

                   The main products include car camera, 360 AVM, ultrasonic sensors, CMS, and other automotive electronic products. We provide long-term support and supply to over 30 automotive OE factories, including Toyota, Honda, Chery, JAC, Geely, Wuling, Foton, and BYD. Has a good user reputation.

                   The company has a leading R&D team in China, with over 50 R&D engineers. The core team members come from excellent top enterprises, the average is over 20 years of work experience.

                   The company has established production bases in Shenzhen and Yancheng respectively. There are professional camera optics laboratory, ultrasonic radar laboratory, electrical performance laboratory, reliability laboratory, ten thousand level dust-free workshop, SMT production line, camera automation production line, ultrasonic radar full process automation production line and other automated production equipment, mature and stable management process, and experienced quality control personnel, making product quality and delivery controllable.

                   Especially for the fully automated production technology of ultrasonic radar from core to probe, we are one of the few companies in China with this comprehensive technology, and the technical threshold is extremely high.

                   The company adheres to customer centeredness and technology as the core; The values of happiness, passion, integrity, and patience make people's mobile lives safer and smarter. We strive to become a global leader in automotive electronics by 2050.
